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Quality Control
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Quality Control
Beeswax Foundation Implementation Standards: NY/T 1161 -2006, HUADING Wax quality control standards-2018

Beeswax Implementation Standards: GB/T 24314-2009, SN/T 1107-2002, HUADING Wax quality control standards-2018

Synthetic Wax Implementation Standards: HUADING Wax quality control standards-2018

Microcrystalline Wax Implementation Standards: SH/T 0013-2008, HUADING Wax quality control standards-2018

Bee Pollen Implementation Standards: GB/T30359—2013, NY5137-2002

Bee Propolis Implementation Standards: GB/T24283—2009; GB/T4789.2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 15-2003; GB/T5009.11, 12-1996

Quality Control
After passing various international certifications, the company won the essentials and established an internal quality control safety manual: HUADINGSHENGCHAO quality control standards-2018

Currently certified: SC, ISO, FDA, HACCP, export food record, EU certification for non-food animal products